A Better Place
Make This World

To all our Live Climate friends, artists, patrons, vendors and family:

While our Earth Day 50th concerts are cancelled, April 22-23-24 at TheTown Hall, we are mindful to thank all concerned for showing the highest regard for one another by staying home, staying safe, and retreating into the smallest joys and wonders of each day.

To those on the front lines, hospital staff and essentials service workers, we thank you for the heroic measures you take to help those in need.

This is a global re-set for the Earth and for all humanity. We get to share in co-creating the collective consciousness of a true renaissance born of this adversity. People in China are seeing the night’s stars for the first time in decades; canals in Venice are clear and the swans and I’m told even dolphins are returning to their waters.

To quote my dear friend Ty. Stephens:

A new world is being born. We MUST participate in its nurture and development to determine what this new world will look like, what it will be. More of "the same" will destroy us.

Stay tuned for our future concerts & events!


APRIL 22, 23 & 24, 2020 at The Town Hall, New York City
Music has the power to bypass our brains and go direct to our hearts.

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Music with a Mission

Music has the power to bypass our brains and go direct to our hearts.
All genres, all styles…when you feel the vibration of music that moves you, grooves you, there is no stopping what’s possible!

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Our Planet

A percentage of all proceeds for these first three concert nights will benefit the Riverkeepers www.riverkeeper.org

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Music with a Mission: Earth Concerts
April 22, 23 & 24, 2020 at The Town Hall, New York City
Music has the power to bypass our brains and go direct to our hearts.

All genres, all styles…when you feel the vibration of music that moves you, grooves you, there is no stopping what’s possible!

Woodstock ’69 launched a revolution. But we have grown complacent, and forgotten that, indeed, to quote Joni Mitchell: “We are stardust, and we’ve got to get back to the garden.”

Let’s grow some love for our home planet: it’s essential that we HONOR Earth, and RIGHT NOW! And it is so simple.

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